* Copyright 2008 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Export of this software from the United States of America may
* require a specific license from the United States Government.
* It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
* export to obtain such a license before exporting.
* WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
* distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
* without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
* this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
* the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
* to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
* permission. Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
* your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a
* fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software.
* M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
* this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
* or implied warranty.
#ifndef GSSAPI_EXT_H_
#define GSSAPI_EXT_H_
#include <gssapi/gssapi.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
* Solaris extensions
#ifndef _WIN32
(OM_uint32 *minor,
const gss_name_t name,
const gss_OID mech_type,
uid_t *uidOut);
* Provides a platform-specific name for a GSSAPI name as interpreted by a
* given mechanism.
* @param [out] minor Minor status code
* @param [in] name The gss name resulting from accept_sec_context
* @param [in] mech_type The mechanism that will be asked to map @a name to a
* local name
* @param [out] localname Caller-allocated buffer to be filled in with the
* local name on success
(OM_uint32 *minor,
const gss_name_t name,
gss_const_OID mech_type,
gss_buffer_t localname);
* Determine whether a mechanism name is authorized to act as a username.
* @param [in] name Mechanism name
* @param [in] username System username
* This is a simple wrapper around gss_authorize_localname(). It only supports
* system usernames as local names, and cannot distinguish between lack of
* authorization and other errors.
* @retval 1 @a name is authorized to act as @a username
* @retval 0 @a name is not authorized or an error occurred
gss_userok(const gss_name_t name,
const char *username);
* Determine whether a mechanism name is authorized to act as a local name.
* @param [out] minor Minor status code
* @param [in] name Mechanism name
* @param [in] user Local name
* @a name is a mechanism name, typically the result of a completed
* gss_accept_sec_context(). @a user is an internal name representing a local
* name, such as a name imported by gss_import_name() with an @a
* input_name_type of @c GSS_C_NT_USER_NAME.
* @return Return GSS_S_COMPLETE if @a name is authorized to act as @a user,
* GSS_S_UNAUTHORIZED if not, or an appropriate GSS error code if an error
* occured.
* @sa gss_userok
gss_authorize_localname(OM_uint32 *minor,
const gss_name_t name,
const gss_name_t user);
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
const gss_name_t, /* desired_name */
const gss_buffer_t, /* password */
OM_uint32, /* time_req */
const gss_OID_set, /* desired_mechs */
gss_cred_usage_t, /* cred_usage */
gss_cred_id_t *, /* output_cred_handle */
gss_OID_set *, /* actual_mechs */
OM_uint32 *); /* time_rec */
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
const gss_cred_id_t,/* input_cred_handle */
const gss_name_t, /* desired_name */
const gss_OID, /* desired_mech */
const gss_buffer_t, /* password */
gss_cred_usage_t, /* cred_usage */
OM_uint32, /* initiator_time_req */
OM_uint32, /* acceptor_time_req */
gss_cred_id_t *, /* output_cred_handle */
gss_OID_set *, /* actual_mechs */
OM_uint32 *, /* initiator_time_rec */
OM_uint32 *); /* acceptor_time_rec */
* GGF extensions
typedef struct gss_buffer_set_desc_struct {
size_t count;
gss_buffer_desc *elements;
} gss_buffer_set_desc, *gss_buffer_set_t;
#define GSS_C_NO_BUFFER_SET ((gss_buffer_set_t) 0)
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_create_empty_buffer_set
(OM_uint32 * /*minor_status*/,
gss_buffer_set_t * /*buffer_set*/);
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_add_buffer_set_member
(OM_uint32 * /*minor_status*/,
const gss_buffer_t /*member_buffer*/,
gss_buffer_set_t * /*buffer_set*/);
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_release_buffer_set
(OM_uint32 * /*minor_status*/,
gss_buffer_set_t * /*buffer_set*/);
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_inquire_sec_context_by_oid
(OM_uint32 * /*minor_status*/,
const gss_ctx_id_t /*context_handle*/,
const gss_OID /*desired_object*/,
gss_buffer_set_t * /*data_set*/);
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_inquire_cred_by_oid
(OM_uint32 * /*minor_status*/,
const gss_cred_id_t /*cred_handle*/,
const gss_OID /*desired_object*/,
gss_buffer_set_t * /*data_set*/);
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_set_sec_context_option
(OM_uint32 * /*minor_status*/,
gss_ctx_id_t * /*cred_handle*/,
const gss_OID /*desired_object*/,
const gss_buffer_t /*value*/);
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_set_cred_option
(OM_uint32 * /*minor_status*/,
gss_cred_id_t * /*cred*/,
const gss_OID /*desired_object*/,
const gss_buffer_t /*value*/);
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gssspi_mech_invoke
(OM_uint32 * /*minor_status*/,
const gss_OID /*desired_mech*/,
const gss_OID /*desired_object*/,
gss_buffer_t /*value*/);
* AEAD extensions
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_wrap_aead
(OM_uint32 * /*minor_status*/,
gss_ctx_id_t /*context_handle*/,
int /*conf_req_flag*/,
gss_qop_t /*qop_req*/,
gss_buffer_t /*input_assoc_buffer*/,
gss_buffer_t /*input_payload_buffer*/,
int * /*conf_state*/,
gss_buffer_t /*output_message_buffer*/);
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_unwrap_aead
(OM_uint32 * /*minor_status*/,
gss_ctx_id_t /*context_handle*/,
gss_buffer_t /*input_message_buffer*/,
gss_buffer_t /*input_assoc_buffer*/,
gss_buffer_t /*output_payload_buffer*/,
int * /*conf_state*/,
gss_qop_t * /*qop_state*/);
* SSPI extensions
#define GSS_C_DCE_STYLE 0x1000
#define GSS_C_IDENTIFY_FLAG 0x2000
* Returns a buffer set with the first member containing the
* session key for SSPI compatibility. The optional second
* member contains an OID identifying the session key type.
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_complete_auth_token
(OM_uint32 *minor_status,
const gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,
gss_buffer_t input_message_buffer);
typedef struct gss_iov_buffer_desc_struct {
OM_uint32 type;
gss_buffer_desc buffer;
} gss_iov_buffer_desc, *gss_iov_buffer_t;
#define GSS_C_NO_IOV_BUFFER ((gss_iov_buffer_t)0)
#define GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_DATA 1 /* Packet data */
#define GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_HEADER 2 /* Mechanism header */
#define GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_MECH_PARAMS 3 /* Mechanism specific parameters */
#define GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_TRAILER 7 /* Mechanism trailer */
#define GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_PADDING 9 /* Padding */
#define GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_STREAM 10 /* Complete wrap token */
#define GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_SIGN_ONLY 11 /* Sign only packet data */
#define GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_MIC_TOKEN 12 /* MIC token destination */
#define GSS_IOV_BUFFER_FLAG_ALLOCATE 0x00010000 /* indicates GSS should allocate */
#define GSS_IOV_BUFFER_FLAG_ALLOCATED 0x00020000 /* indicates caller should free */
#define GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE(_type) ((_type) & ~(GSS_IOV_BUFFER_FLAG_MASK))
* Sign and optionally encrypt a sequence of buffers. The buffers
* shall be ordered HEADER | DATA | PADDING | TRAILER. Suitable
* space for the header, padding and trailer should be provided
* by calling gss_wrap_iov_length(), or the ALLOCATE flag should
* be set on those buffers.
* Encryption is in-place. SIGN_ONLY buffers are untouched. Only
* a single PADDING buffer should be provided. The order of the
* buffers in memory does not matter. Buffers in the IOV should
* be arranged in the order above, and in the case of multiple
* DATA buffers the sender and receiver should agree on the
* order.
* With GSS_C_DCE_STYLE it is acceptable to not provide PADDING
* and TRAILER, but the caller must guarantee the plaintext data
* being encrypted is correctly padded, otherwise an error will
* be returned.
* While applications that have knowledge of the underlying
* cryptosystem may request a specific configuration of data
* buffers, the only generally supported configurations are:
* which will emit GSS_Wrap() compatible tokens, and:
* for AEAD.
* The typical (special cased) usage for DCE is as follows:
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_wrap_iov
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
int, /* conf_req_flag */
gss_qop_t, /* qop_req */
int *, /* conf_state */
gss_iov_buffer_desc *, /* iov */
int); /* iov_count */
* Verify and optionally decrypt a sequence of buffers. To process
* a GSS-API message without separate buffer, pass STREAM | DATA.
* Upon return DATA will contain the decrypted or integrity
* protected message. Only a single DATA buffer may be provided
* with this usage. DATA by default will point into STREAM, but if
* the ALLOCATE flag is set a copy will be returned.
* Otherwise, decryption is in-place. SIGN_ONLY buffers are
* untouched.
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_unwrap_iov
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
int *, /* conf_state */
gss_qop_t *, /* qop_state */
gss_iov_buffer_desc *, /* iov */
int); /* iov_count */
* Query HEADER, PADDING and TRAILER buffer lengths. DATA buffers
* should be provided so the correct padding length can be determined.
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_wrap_iov_length
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
int, /* conf_req_flag */
gss_qop_t, /* qop_req */
int *, /* conf_state */
gss_iov_buffer_desc *, /* iov */
int); /* iov_count */
* Produce a GSSAPI MIC token for a sequence of buffers. All SIGN_ONLY and
* DATA buffers will be signed, in the order they appear. One MIC_TOKEN buffer
* must be included for the result. Suitable space should be provided for the
* MIC_TOKEN buffer by calling gss_get_mic_iov_length, or the ALLOCATE flag
* should be set on that buffer. If the ALLOCATE flag is used, use
* gss_release_iov_buffer to free the allocated buffer within the iov list when
* it is no longer needed.
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_get_mic_iov
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
gss_qop_t, /* qop_req */
gss_iov_buffer_desc *, /* iov */
int); /* iov_count */
* Query the MIC_TOKEN buffer length within the iov list.
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_get_mic_iov_length(
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
gss_qop_t, /* qop_req */
gss_iov_buffer_desc *, /* iov */
int); /* iov_count */
* Verify the MIC_TOKEN buffer within the iov list against the SIGN_ONLY and
* DATA buffers in the order they appear. Return values are the same as for
* gss_verify_mic.
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_verify_mic_iov
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
gss_qop_t *, /* qop_state */
gss_iov_buffer_desc *, /* iov */
int); /* iov_count */
* Release buffers that have the ALLOCATED flag set.
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_release_iov_buffer
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_iov_buffer_desc *, /* iov */
int); /* iov_count */
* Protocol transition
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
const gss_cred_id_t, /* impersonator_cred_handle */
const gss_name_t, /* desired_name */
OM_uint32, /* time_req */
const gss_OID_set, /* desired_mechs */
gss_cred_usage_t, /* cred_usage */
gss_cred_id_t *, /* output_cred_handle */
gss_OID_set *, /* actual_mechs */
OM_uint32 *); /* time_rec */
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_cred_id_t, /* input_cred_handle */
const gss_cred_id_t, /* impersonator_cred_handle */
const gss_name_t, /* desired_name */
const gss_OID, /* desired_mech */
gss_cred_usage_t, /* cred_usage */
OM_uint32, /* initiator_time_req */
OM_uint32, /* acceptor_time_req */
gss_cred_id_t *, /* output_cred_handle */
gss_OID_set *, /* actual_mechs */
OM_uint32 *, /* initiator_time_rec */
OM_uint32 *); /* acceptor_time_rec */
* Naming extensions
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_display_name_ext
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_name_t, /* name */
gss_OID, /* display_as_name_type */
gss_buffer_t /* display_name */
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_inquire_name
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_name_t, /* name */
int *, /* name_is_MN */
gss_OID *, /* MN_mech */
gss_buffer_set_t * /* attrs */
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_get_name_attribute
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_name_t, /* name */
gss_buffer_t, /* attr */
int *, /* authenticated */
int *, /* complete */
gss_buffer_t, /* value */
gss_buffer_t, /* display_value */
int * /* more */
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_set_name_attribute
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_name_t, /* name */
int, /* complete */
gss_buffer_t, /* attr */
gss_buffer_t /* value */
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_delete_name_attribute
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_name_t, /* name */
gss_buffer_t /* attr */
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_export_name_composite
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_name_t, /* name */
gss_buffer_t /* exp_composite_name */
typedef struct gss_any *gss_any_t;
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_map_name_to_any
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_name_t, /* name */
int, /* authenticated */
gss_buffer_t, /* type_id */
gss_any_t * /* output */
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_release_any_name_mapping
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_name_t, /* name */
gss_buffer_t, /* type_id */
gss_any_t * /* input */
/* draft-josefsson-gss-capsulate */
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_encapsulate_token
gss_const_buffer_t, /* input_token */
gss_const_OID, /* token_oid */
gss_buffer_t /* output_token */
OM_uint32 KRB5_CALLCONV gss_decapsulate_token
gss_const_buffer_t, /* input_token */
gss_const_OID, /* token_oid */
gss_buffer_t /* output_token */
int KRB5_CALLCONV gss_oid_equal
gss_const_OID, /* first_oid */
gss_const_OID /* second_oid */
/* Credential store extensions */
struct gss_key_value_element_struct {
const char *key;
const char *value;
typedef struct gss_key_value_element_struct gss_key_value_element_desc;
struct gss_key_value_set_struct {
OM_uint32 count;
gss_key_value_element_desc *elements;
typedef struct gss_key_value_set_struct gss_key_value_set_desc;
typedef const gss_key_value_set_desc *gss_const_key_value_set_t;
#define GSS_C_NO_CRED_STORE ((gss_const_key_value_set_t) 0)
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_name_t, /* desired_name */
OM_uint32, /* time_req */
gss_OID_set, /* desired_mechs */
gss_cred_usage_t, /* cred_usage */
gss_const_key_value_set_t, /* cred_store */
gss_cred_id_t *, /* output_cred_handle */
gss_OID_set *, /* actual_mechs */
OM_uint32 *); /* time_rec */
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_cred_id_t, /* input_cred_handle */
gss_name_t, /* desired_name */
gss_OID, /* desired_mech */
gss_cred_usage_t, /* cred_usage */
OM_uint32, /* initiator_time_req */
OM_uint32, /* acceptor_time_req */
gss_const_key_value_set_t, /* cred_store */
gss_cred_id_t *, /* output_cred_handle */
gss_OID_set *, /* actual_mechs */
OM_uint32 *, /* initiator_time_rec */
OM_uint32 *); /* acceptor_time_rec */
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_cred_id_t, /* input_cred_handle */
gss_cred_usage_t, /* input_usage */
gss_OID, /* desired_mech */
OM_uint32, /* overwrite_cred */
OM_uint32, /* default_cred */
gss_const_key_value_set_t, /* cred_store */
gss_OID_set *, /* elements_stored */
gss_cred_usage_t *); /* cred_usage_stored */
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_cred_id_t, /* cred_handle */
gss_buffer_t); /* token */
OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
gss_buffer_t, /* token */
gss_cred_id_t *); /* cred_handle */
#ifdef __cplusplus
* When used with gss_inquire_sec_context_by_oid(), return a buffer set with
* the first member containing an unsigned 32-bit integer in network byte
* order. This is the Security Strength Factor (SSF) associated with the
* secure channel established by the security context. NOTE: This value is
* made available solely as an indication for use by APIs like Cyrus SASL that
* classify the strength of a secure channel via this number. The strength of
* a channel cannot necessarily be represented by a simple number.
#endif /* GSSAPI_EXT_H_ */
5tarL0rd By