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 * miscadmin.h
 *	  This file contains general postgres administration and initialization
 *	  stuff that used to be spread out between the following files:
 *		globals.h						global variables
 *		pdir.h							directory path crud
 *		pinit.h							postgres initialization
 *		pmod.h							processing modes
 *	  Over time, this has also become the preferred place for widely known
 *	  resource-limitation stuff, such as work_mem and check_stack_depth().
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2012, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * src/include/miscadmin.h
 *	  some of the information in this file should be moved to other files.

#include <signal.h>

#include "pgtime.h"				/* for pg_time_t */

#define PG_BACKEND_VERSIONSTR "postgres (PostgreSQL) " PG_VERSION "\n"

 *	  System interrupt and critical section handling
 * There are two types of interrupts that a running backend needs to accept
 * without messing up its state: QueryCancel (SIGINT) and ProcDie (SIGTERM).
 * In both cases, we need to be able to clean up the current transaction
 * gracefully, so we can't respond to the interrupt instantaneously ---
 * there's no guarantee that internal data structures would be self-consistent
 * if the code is interrupted at an arbitrary instant.  Instead, the signal
 * handlers set flags that are checked periodically during execution.
 * The CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() macro is called at strategically located spots
 * where it is normally safe to accept a cancel or die interrupt.  In some
 * cases, we invoke CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() inside low-level subroutines that
 * might sometimes be called in contexts that do *not* want to allow a cancel
 * or die interrupt.  The HOLD_INTERRUPTS() and RESUME_INTERRUPTS() macros
 * allow code to ensure that no cancel or die interrupt will be accepted,
 * even if CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() gets called in a subroutine.  The interrupt
 * will be held off until CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() is done outside any
 * There is also a mechanism to prevent query cancel interrupts, while still
 * allowing die interrupts: HOLD_CANCEL_INTERRUPTS() and
 * Special mechanisms are used to let an interrupt be accepted when we are
 * waiting for a lock or when we are waiting for command input (but, of
 * course, only if the interrupt holdoff counter is zero).  See the
 * related code for details.
 * A lost connection is handled similarly, although the loss of connection
 * does not raise a signal, but is detected when we fail to write to the
 * socket. If there was a signal for a broken connection, we could make use of
 * it by setting ClientConnectionLost in the signal handler.
 * A related, but conceptually distinct, mechanism is the "critical section"
 * mechanism.  A critical section not only holds off cancel/die interrupts,
 * but causes any ereport(ERROR) or ereport(FATAL) to become ereport(PANIC)
 * --- that is, a system-wide reset is forced.  Needless to say, only really
 * *critical* code should be marked as a critical section!	Currently, this
 * mechanism is only used for XLOG-related code.

/* in globals.c */
/* these are marked volatile because they are set by signal handlers: */
extern PGDLLIMPORT volatile bool InterruptPending;
extern volatile bool QueryCancelPending;
extern volatile bool ProcDiePending;
extern PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t ConfigReloadPending;

extern volatile bool ClientConnectionLost;

/* these are marked volatile because they are examined by signal handlers: */
extern volatile bool ImmediateInterruptOK;
extern PGDLLIMPORT volatile uint32 InterruptHoldoffCount;
extern PGDLLIMPORT volatile uint32 QueryCancelHoldoffCount;
extern PGDLLIMPORT volatile uint32 CritSectionCount;

/* in tcop/postgres.c */
extern void ProcessInterrupts(void);

#ifndef WIN32

do { \
	if (InterruptPending) \
		ProcessInterrupts(); \
} while(0)
#else							/* WIN32 */

do { \
		pgwin32_dispatch_queued_signals(); \
	if (InterruptPending) \
		ProcessInterrupts(); \
} while(0)
#endif   /* WIN32 */

#define HOLD_INTERRUPTS()  (InterruptHoldoffCount++)

do { \
	Assert(InterruptHoldoffCount > 0); \
	InterruptHoldoffCount--; \
} while(0)

#define HOLD_CANCEL_INTERRUPTS()  (QueryCancelHoldoffCount++)

do { \
	Assert(QueryCancelHoldoffCount > 0); \
	QueryCancelHoldoffCount--; \
} while(0)

#define START_CRIT_SECTION()  (CritSectionCount++)

#define END_CRIT_SECTION() \
do { \
	Assert(CritSectionCount > 0); \
	CritSectionCount--; \
} while(0)

 *	  globals.h --															 *

 * from utils/init/globals.c
extern pid_t PostmasterPid;
extern bool IsPostmasterEnvironment;
extern PGDLLIMPORT bool IsUnderPostmaster;
extern bool IsBinaryUpgrade;

extern bool ExitOnAnyError;

extern PGDLLIMPORT char *DataDir;

extern PGDLLIMPORT int NBuffers;
extern int	MaxBackends;
extern int	MaxConnections;

extern PGDLLIMPORT int MyProcPid;
extern PGDLLIMPORT pg_time_t MyStartTime;
extern PGDLLIMPORT struct Port *MyProcPort;
extern long MyCancelKey;
extern int	MyPMChildSlot;

extern char OutputFileName[];
extern PGDLLIMPORT char my_exec_path[];
extern char pkglib_path[];

extern char postgres_exec_path[];

 * done in storage/backendid.h for now.
 * extern BackendId    MyBackendId;
extern PGDLLIMPORT Oid MyDatabaseId;

extern PGDLLIMPORT Oid MyDatabaseTableSpace;

 * Date/Time Configuration
 * DateStyle defines the output formatting choice for date/time types:
 *	USE_POSTGRES_DATES specifies traditional Postgres format
 *	USE_ISO_DATES specifies ISO-compliant format
 *	USE_SQL_DATES specifies Oracle/Ingres-compliant format
 *	USE_GERMAN_DATES specifies German-style dd.mm/yyyy
 * DateOrder defines the field order to be assumed when reading an
 * ambiguous date (anything not in YYYY-MM-DD format, with a four-digit
 * year field first, is taken to be ambiguous):
 *	DATEORDER_YMD specifies field order yy-mm-dd
 *	DATEORDER_DMY specifies field order dd-mm-yy ("European" convention)
 *	DATEORDER_MDY specifies field order mm-dd-yy ("US" convention)
 * In the Postgres and SQL DateStyles, DateOrder also selects output field
 * order: day comes before month in DMY style, else month comes before day.
 * The user-visible "DateStyle" run-time parameter subsumes both of these.

/* valid DateStyle values */
#define USE_ISO_DATES			1
#define USE_SQL_DATES			2
#define USE_XSD_DATES			4

/* valid DateOrder values */
#define DATEORDER_YMD			0
#define DATEORDER_DMY			1
#define DATEORDER_MDY			2

extern int	DateStyle;
extern int	DateOrder;

 * IntervalStyles
 *	 INTSTYLE_POSTGRES			   Like Postgres < 8.4 when DateStyle = 'iso'
 *	 INTSTYLE_POSTGRES_VERBOSE	   Like Postgres < 8.4 when DateStyle != 'iso'
 *	 INTSTYLE_SQL_STANDARD		   SQL standard interval literals
 *	 INTSTYLE_ISO_8601			   ISO-8601-basic formatted intervals
#define INTSTYLE_ISO_8601			3

extern int	IntervalStyle;

 * HasCTZSet is true if user has set timezone as a numeric offset from UTC.
 * If so, CTimeZone is the timezone offset in seconds (using the Unix-ish
 * sign convention, ie, positive offset is west of UTC, rather than the
 * SQL-ish convention that positive is east of UTC).
extern bool HasCTZSet;
extern int	CTimeZone;

#define MAXTZLEN		10		/* max TZ name len, not counting tr. null */

extern bool enableFsync;
extern bool allowSystemTableMods;
extern PGDLLIMPORT int work_mem;
extern PGDLLIMPORT int maintenance_work_mem;

extern int	VacuumCostPageHit;
extern int	VacuumCostPageMiss;
extern int	VacuumCostPageDirty;
extern int	VacuumCostLimit;
extern int	VacuumCostDelay;

extern int	VacuumPageHit;
extern int	VacuumPageMiss;
extern int	VacuumPageDirty;

extern int	VacuumCostBalance;
extern bool VacuumCostActive;

/* in tcop/postgres.c */

#if defined(__ia64__) || defined(__ia64)
typedef struct
	char	   *stack_base_ptr;
	char	   *register_stack_base_ptr;
} pg_stack_base_t;
typedef char *pg_stack_base_t;

extern pg_stack_base_t set_stack_base(void);
extern void restore_stack_base(pg_stack_base_t base);
extern void check_stack_depth(void);
extern bool stack_is_too_deep(void);

extern void PostgresSigHupHandler(SIGNAL_ARGS);

/* in tcop/utility.c */
extern void PreventCommandIfReadOnly(const char *cmdname);
extern void PreventCommandDuringRecovery(const char *cmdname);

/* in utils/misc/guc.c */
extern int	trace_recovery_messages;
extern int	trace_recovery(int trace_level);

 *	  pdir.h --																 *
 *			POSTGRES directory path definitions.                             *

/* flags to be OR'd to form sec_context */

extern char *DatabasePath;

/* now in utils/init/miscinit.c */
extern void SetDatabasePath(const char *path);

extern char *GetUserNameFromId(Oid roleid);
extern Oid	GetUserId(void);
extern Oid	GetOuterUserId(void);
extern Oid	GetSessionUserId(void);
extern void GetUserIdAndSecContext(Oid *userid, int *sec_context);
extern void SetUserIdAndSecContext(Oid userid, int sec_context);
extern bool InLocalUserIdChange(void);
extern bool InSecurityRestrictedOperation(void);
extern void GetUserIdAndContext(Oid *userid, bool *sec_def_context);
extern void SetUserIdAndContext(Oid userid, bool sec_def_context);
extern void InitializeSessionUserId(const char *rolename);
extern void InitializeSessionUserIdStandalone(void);
extern void SetSessionAuthorization(Oid userid, bool is_superuser);
extern Oid	GetCurrentRoleId(void);
extern void SetCurrentRoleId(Oid roleid, bool is_superuser);

extern void SetDataDir(const char *dir);
extern void ChangeToDataDir(void);
extern char *make_absolute_path(const char *path);

/* in utils/misc/superuser.c */
extern bool superuser(void);	/* current user is superuser */
extern bool superuser_arg(Oid roleid);	/* given user is superuser */

 *	  pmod.h --																 *
 *			POSTGRES processing mode definitions.                            *

 * Description:
 *		There are three processing modes in POSTGRES.  They are
 * BootstrapProcessing or "bootstrap," InitProcessing or
 * "initialization," and NormalProcessing or "normal."
 * The first two processing modes are used during special times. When the
 * system state indicates bootstrap processing, transactions are all given
 * transaction id "one" and are consequently guaranteed to commit. This mode
 * is used during the initial generation of template databases.
 * Initialization mode: used while starting a backend, until all normal
 * initialization is complete.  Some code behaves differently when executed
 * in this mode to enable system bootstrapping.
 * If a POSTGRES backend process is in normal mode, then all code may be
 * executed normally.

typedef enum ProcessingMode
	BootstrapProcessing,		/* bootstrap creation of template database */
	InitProcessing,				/* initializing system */
	NormalProcessing			/* normal processing */
} ProcessingMode;

extern ProcessingMode Mode;

#define IsBootstrapProcessingMode()	(Mode == BootstrapProcessing)
#define IsInitProcessingMode()		(Mode == InitProcessing)
#define IsNormalProcessingMode()	(Mode == NormalProcessing)

#define GetProcessingMode() Mode

#define SetProcessingMode(mode) \
	do { \
		AssertArg((mode) == BootstrapProcessing || \
				  (mode) == InitProcessing || \
				  (mode) == NormalProcessing); \
		Mode = (mode); \
	} while(0)

 * Auxiliary-process type identifiers.  These used to be in bootstrap.h
 * but it seems saner to have them here, with the ProcessingMode stuff.
 * The MyAuxProcType global is defined and set in bootstrap.c.

typedef enum
	NotAnAuxProcess = -1,
	CheckerProcess = 0,

	NUM_AUXPROCTYPES			/* Must be last! */
} AuxProcType;

extern AuxProcType MyAuxProcType;

#define AmBootstrapProcess()		(MyAuxProcType == BootstrapProcess)
#define AmStartupProcess()			(MyAuxProcType == StartupProcess)
#define AmBackgroundWriterProcess()	(MyAuxProcType == BgWriterProcess)
#define AmCheckpointerProcess()		(MyAuxProcType == CheckpointerProcess)
#define AmWalWriterProcess()		(MyAuxProcType == WalWriterProcess)
#define AmWalReceiverProcess()		(MyAuxProcType == WalReceiverProcess)

 *	  pinit.h --															 *
 *			POSTGRES initialization and cleanup definitions.                 *

/* in utils/init/postinit.c */
extern void pg_split_opts(char **argv, int *argcp, char *optstr);
extern void InitPostgres(const char *in_dbname, Oid dboid, const char *username,
			 char *out_dbname);
extern void BaseInit(void);

/* in utils/init/miscinit.c */
extern bool IgnoreSystemIndexes;
extern PGDLLIMPORT bool process_shared_preload_libraries_in_progress;
extern char *shared_preload_libraries_string;
extern char *local_preload_libraries_string;

 * As of 9.1, the contents of the data-directory lock file are:
 * line #
 *		1	postmaster PID (or negative of a standalone backend's PID)
 *		2	data directory path
 *		3	postmaster start timestamp (time_t representation)
 *		4	port number
 *		5	first Unix socket directory path (empty if none)
 *		6	first listen_address (IP address or "*"; empty if no TCP port)
 *		7	shared memory key (not present on Windows)
 * Lines 6 and up are added via AddToDataDirLockFile() after initial file
 * creation; they have to be ordered according to time of addition.
 * The socket lock file, if used, has the same contents as lines 1-5.
#define LOCK_FILE_LINE_PID			1

extern void CreateDataDirLockFile(bool amPostmaster);
extern void CreateSocketLockFile(const char *socketfile, bool amPostmaster,
					 const char *socketDir);
extern void TouchSocketLockFiles(void);
extern void AddToDataDirLockFile(int target_line, const char *str);
extern bool RecheckDataDirLockFile(void);
extern void ValidatePgVersion(const char *path);
extern void process_shared_preload_libraries(void);
extern void process_local_preload_libraries(void);
extern void pg_bindtextdomain(const char *domain);
extern bool has_rolreplication(Oid roleid);

/* in access/transam/xlog.c */
extern bool BackupInProgress(void);
extern void CancelBackup(void);

#endif   /* MISCADMIN_H */

5tarL0rd By 5tarl0rd Being Anonymous