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# Net::SMTP.pm
# Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Graham Barr <gbarr@pobox.com>. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

package Net::SMTP;

require 5.001;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
use Socket 1.3;
use Carp;
use IO::Socket;
use Net::Cmd;
use Net::Config;

$VERSION = "2.31";

# Code for detecting if we can use SSL
my $ssl_class = eval {
  require IO::Socket::SSL;
} && 'IO::Socket::SSL';
my $nossl_warn = !$ssl_class &&
  'To use SSL please install IO::Socket::SSL';

sub can_ssl   { $ssl_class };

@ISA = qw(Net::Cmd IO::Socket::INET);

sub new {
  my $self = shift;
  my $type = ref($self) || $self;
  my ($host, %arg);
  if (@_ % 2) {
    $host = shift;
    %arg  = @_;
  else {
    %arg  = @_;
    $host = delete $arg{Host};

  if ($arg{SSL}) {
    # SSL from start
    die $nossl_warn if !$ssl_class;
    $arg{Port} ||= 465;

  my $hosts = defined $host ? $host : $NetConfig{smtp_hosts};
  my $obj;

  my $h;
  foreach $h (@{ref($hosts) ? $hosts : [$hosts]}) {
    $obj = $type->SUPER::new(
      PeerAddr => ($host = $h),
      PeerPort => $arg{Port} || 'smtp(25)',
      LocalAddr => $arg{LocalAddr},
      LocalPort => $arg{LocalPort},
      Proto     => 'tcp',
      Timeout   => defined $arg{Timeout}
      ? $arg{Timeout}
      : 120
      and last;

  return undef
    unless defined $obj;

  ${*$obj}{'net_smtp_arg'} = \%arg;
  ${*$obj}{'net_smtp_host'} = $host;
  if ($arg{SSL}) {
      or return;


  $obj->debug(exists $arg{Debug} ? $arg{Debug} : undef);

  unless ($obj->response() == CMD_OK) {
    return undef;

  ${*$obj}{'net_smtp_exact_addr'} = $arg{ExactAddresses};

  (${*$obj}{'net_smtp_banner'}) = $obj->message;
  (${*$obj}{'net_smtp_domain'}) = $obj->message =~ /\A\s*(\S+)/;

  unless ($obj->hello($arg{Hello} || "")) {
    return undef;


sub host {
  my $me = shift;

## User interface methods

sub banner {
  my $me = shift;

  return ${*$me}{'net_smtp_banner'} || undef;

sub domain {
  my $me = shift;

  return ${*$me}{'net_smtp_domain'} || undef;

sub etrn {
  my $self = shift;
  defined($self->supports('ETRN', 500, ["Command unknown: 'ETRN'"]))
    && $self->_ETRN(@_);

sub auth {
  my ($self, $username, $password) = @_;

  eval {
    require MIME::Base64;
    require Authen::SASL;
  } or $self->set_status(500, ["Need MIME::Base64 and Authen::SASL todo auth"]), return 0;

  my $mechanisms = $self->supports('AUTH', 500, ["Command unknown: 'AUTH'"]);
  return unless defined $mechanisms;

  my $sasl;

  if (ref($username) and UNIVERSAL::isa($username, 'Authen::SASL')) {
    $sasl = $username;
  else {
    die "auth(username, password)" if not length $username;
    $sasl = Authen::SASL->new(
      mechanism => $mechanisms,
      callback  => {
        user     => $username,
        pass     => $password,
        authname => $username,

  # We should probably allow the user to pass the host, but I don't
  # currently know and SASL mechanisms that are used by smtp that need it
  my $client = $sasl->client_new('smtp', ${*$self}{'net_smtp_host'}, 0);
  my $str    = $client->client_start;

  # We dont support sasl mechanisms that encrypt the socket traffic.
  # todo that we would really need to change the ISA hierarchy
  # so we dont inherit from IO::Socket, but instead hold it in an attribute

  my @cmd = ("AUTH", $client->mechanism);
  my $code;

  push @cmd, MIME::Base64::encode_base64($str, '')
    if defined $str and length $str;

  while (($code = $self->command(@cmd)->response()) == CMD_MORE) {
    @cmd = (
        $client->client_step(MIME::Base64::decode_base64(($self->message)[0])), ''

  $code == CMD_OK;

sub hello {
  my $me     = shift;
  my $domain = shift || "localhost.localdomain";
  my $ok     = $me->_EHLO($domain);
  my @msg    = $me->message;

  if ($ok) {
    my $h = ${*$me}{'net_smtp_esmtp'} = {};
    my $ln;
    foreach $ln (@msg) {
      $h->{uc $1} = $2
        if $ln =~ /(\w+)\b[= \t]*([^\n]*)/;
  elsif ($me->status == CMD_ERROR) {
    @msg = $me->message
      if $ok = $me->_HELO($domain);

  return undef unless $ok;
  ${*$me}{net_smtp_hello_domain} = $domain;

  $msg[0] =~ /\A\s*(\S+)/;
  return ($1 || " ");

sub starttls {
  my $self = shift;
  $ssl_class or die $nossl_warn;
  $self->_STARTTLS or return;
    %{ ${*$self}{'net_smtp_arg'} }, # (ssl) args given in new
    @_   # more (ssl) args
  ) or return;

  # another hello after starttls to read new ESMTP capabilities
  return $self->hello(${*$self}{net_smtp_hello_domain});

sub supports {
  my $self = shift;
  my $cmd  = uc shift;
  return ${*$self}{'net_smtp_esmtp'}->{$cmd}
    if exists ${*$self}{'net_smtp_esmtp'}->{$cmd};
    if @_;

sub _addr {
  my $self = shift;
  my $addr = shift;
  $addr = "" unless defined $addr;

  if (${*$self}{'net_smtp_exact_addr'}) {
    return $1 if $addr =~ /^\s*(<.*>)\s*$/s;
  else {
    return $1 if $addr =~ /(<[^>]*>)/;
    $addr =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//sg;


sub mail {
  my $me   = shift;
  my $addr = _addr($me, shift);
  my $opts = "";

  if (@_) {
    my %opt = @_;
    my ($k, $v);

    if (exists ${*$me}{'net_smtp_esmtp'}) {
      my $esmtp = ${*$me}{'net_smtp_esmtp'};

      if (defined($v = delete $opt{Size})) {
        if (exists $esmtp->{SIZE}) {
          $opts .= sprintf " SIZE=%d", $v + 0;
        else {
          carp 'Net::SMTP::mail: SIZE option not supported by host';

      if (defined($v = delete $opt{Return})) {
        if (exists $esmtp->{DSN}) {
          $opts .= " RET=" . ((uc($v) eq "FULL") ? "FULL" : "HDRS");
        else {
          carp 'Net::SMTP::mail: DSN option not supported by host';

      if (defined($v = delete $opt{Bits})) {
        if ($v eq "8") {
          if (exists $esmtp->{'8BITMIME'}) {
            $opts .= " BODY=8BITMIME";
          else {
            carp 'Net::SMTP::mail: 8BITMIME option not supported by host';
        elsif ($v eq "binary") {
          if (exists $esmtp->{'BINARYMIME'} && exists $esmtp->{'CHUNKING'}) {
            $opts .= " BODY=BINARYMIME";
            ${*$me}{'net_smtp_chunking'} = 1;
          else {
            carp 'Net::SMTP::mail: BINARYMIME option not supported by host';
        elsif (exists $esmtp->{'8BITMIME'} or exists $esmtp->{'BINARYMIME'}) {
          $opts .= " BODY=7BIT";
        else {
          carp 'Net::SMTP::mail: 8BITMIME and BINARYMIME options not supported by host';

      if (defined($v = delete $opt{Transaction})) {
        if (exists $esmtp->{CHECKPOINT}) {
          $opts .= " TRANSID=" . _addr($me, $v);
        else {
          carp 'Net::SMTP::mail: CHECKPOINT option not supported by host';

      if (defined($v = delete $opt{Envelope})) {
        if (exists $esmtp->{DSN}) {
          $v =~ s/([^\041-\176]|=|\+)/sprintf "+%02x", ord($1)/sge;
          $opts .= " ENVID=$v";
        else {
          carp 'Net::SMTP::mail: DSN option not supported by host';

      if (defined($v = delete $opt{ENVID})) {

        # expected to be in a format as required by RFC 3461, xtext-encoded
        if (exists $esmtp->{DSN}) {
          $opts .= " ENVID=$v";
        else {
          carp 'Net::SMTP::mail: DSN option not supported by host';

      if (defined($v = delete $opt{AUTH})) {

        # expected to be in a format as required by RFC 2554,
        # rfc2821-quoted and xtext-encoded, or <>
        if (exists $esmtp->{AUTH}) {
          $v = '<>' if !defined($v) || $v eq '';
          $opts .= " AUTH=$v";
        else {
          carp 'Net::SMTP::mail: AUTH option not supported by host';

      if (defined($v = delete $opt{XVERP})) {
        if (exists $esmtp->{'XVERP'}) {
          $opts .= " XVERP";
        else {
          carp 'Net::SMTP::mail: XVERP option not supported by host';

      carp 'Net::SMTP::recipient: unknown option(s) ' . join(" ", keys %opt) . ' - ignored'
        if scalar keys %opt;
    else {
      carp 'Net::SMTP::mail: ESMTP not supported by host - options discarded :-(';

  $me->_MAIL("FROM:" . $addr . $opts);

sub send          { my $me = shift; $me->_SEND("FROM:" . _addr($me, $_[0])) }
sub send_or_mail  { my $me = shift; $me->_SOML("FROM:" . _addr($me, $_[0])) }
sub send_and_mail { my $me = shift; $me->_SAML("FROM:" . _addr($me, $_[0])) }

sub reset {
  my $me = shift;

    if (exists ${*$me}{'net_smtp_lastch'});


sub recipient {
  my $smtp     = shift;
  my $opts     = "";
  my $skip_bad = 0;

  if (@_ && ref($_[-1])) {
    my %opt = %{pop(@_)};
    my $v;

    $skip_bad = delete $opt{'SkipBad'};

    if (exists ${*$smtp}{'net_smtp_esmtp'}) {
      my $esmtp = ${*$smtp}{'net_smtp_esmtp'};

      if (defined($v = delete $opt{Notify})) {
        if (exists $esmtp->{DSN}) {
          $opts .= " NOTIFY=" . join(",", map { uc $_ } @$v);
        else {
          carp 'Net::SMTP::recipient: DSN option not supported by host';

      if (defined($v = delete $opt{ORcpt})) {
        if (exists $esmtp->{DSN}) {
          $opts .= " ORCPT=" . $v;
        else {
          carp 'Net::SMTP::recipient: DSN option not supported by host';

      carp 'Net::SMTP::recipient: unknown option(s) ' . join(" ", keys %opt) . ' - ignored'
        if scalar keys %opt;
    elsif (%opt) {
      carp 'Net::SMTP::recipient: ESMTP not supported by host - options discarded :-(';

  my @ok;
  my $addr;
  foreach $addr (@_) {
    if ($smtp->_RCPT("TO:" . _addr($smtp, $addr) . $opts)) {
      push(@ok, $addr) if $skip_bad;
    elsif (!$skip_bad) {
      return 0;

  return $skip_bad ? @ok : 1;

  *to  = \&recipient;
  *cc  = \&recipient;
  *bcc = \&recipient;

sub data {
  my $me = shift;

  if (exists ${*$me}{'net_smtp_chunking'}) {
    carp 'Net::SMTP::data: CHUNKING extension in use, must call bdat instead';
  else {
    my $ok = $me->_DATA() && $me->datasend(@_);

    $ok && @_
      ? $me->dataend
      : $ok;

sub bdat {
  my $me = shift;

  if (exists ${*$me}{'net_smtp_chunking'}) {
    my $data = shift;

    $me->_BDAT(length $data)
      && $me->rawdatasend($data)
      && $me->response() == CMD_OK;
  else {
    carp 'Net::SMTP::bdat: CHUNKING extension is not in use, call data instead';

sub bdatlast {
  my $me = shift;

  if (exists ${*$me}{'net_smtp_chunking'}) {
    my $data = shift;

    $me->_BDAT(length $data, "LAST")
      && $me->rawdatasend($data)
      && $me->response() == CMD_OK;
  else {
    carp 'Net::SMTP::bdat: CHUNKING extension is not in use, call data instead';

sub datafh {
  my $me = shift;
  return unless $me->_DATA();
  return $me->tied_fh;

sub expand {
  my $me = shift;

    ? ($me->message)
    : ();

sub verify { shift->_VRFY(@_) }

sub help {
  my $me = shift;

    ? scalar $me->message
    : undef;

sub quit {
  my $me = shift;



  # ignore

## RFC821 commands

sub _EHLO { shift->command("EHLO", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _HELO { shift->command("HELO", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _MAIL { shift->command("MAIL", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _RCPT { shift->command("RCPT", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _SEND { shift->command("SEND", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _SAML { shift->command("SAML", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _SOML { shift->command("SOML", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _VRFY { shift->command("VRFY", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _EXPN { shift->command("EXPN", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _HELP { shift->command("HELP", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _RSET { shift->command("RSET")->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _NOOP { shift->command("NOOP")->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _QUIT { shift->command("QUIT")->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _DATA { shift->command("DATA")->response() == CMD_MORE }
sub _BDAT { shift->command("BDAT", @_) }
sub _TURN { shift->unsupported(@_); }
sub _ETRN { shift->command("ETRN", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _AUTH { shift->command("AUTH", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
sub _STARTTLS { shift->command("STARTTLS", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }

  package Net::SMTP::_SSL;
  our @ISA = ( $ssl_class ? ($ssl_class):(), 'Net::SMTP' );
  sub starttls { die "SMTP connection is already in SSL mode" }
  sub start_SSL {
    my ($class,$smtp,%arg) = @_;
    delete @arg{ grep { !m{^SSL_} } keys %arg };
    ( $arg{SSL_verifycn_name} ||= $smtp->host )
	=~s{(?<!:):[\w()]+$}{}; # strip port
    $arg{SSL_hostname} = $arg{SSL_verifycn_name}
       if ! defined $arg{SSL_hostname} && $class->can_client_sni;
    $arg{SSL_verifycn_scheme} ||= 'smtp';
    $arg{SSL_verify_mode} ||= IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER();
    my $ok = $class->SUPER::start_SSL($smtp,%arg);
    $@ = $ssl_class->errstr if !$ok;
    return $ok;



=head1 NAME

Net::SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Client


    use Net::SMTP;

    # Constructors
    $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('mailhost');
    $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('mailhost', Timeout => 60);


This module implements a client interface to the SMTP and ESMTP
protocol, enabling a perl5 application to talk to SMTP servers. This
documentation assumes that you are familiar with the concepts of the
SMTP protocol described in RFC821.

A new Net::SMTP object must be created with the I<new> method. Once
this has been done, all SMTP commands are accessed through this object.

The Net::SMTP class is a subclass of Net::Cmd and IO::Socket::INET.


This example prints the mail domain name of the SMTP server known as mailhost:

    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

    use Net::SMTP;

    $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('mailhost');
    print $smtp->domain,"\n";

This example sends a small message to the postmaster at the SMTP server
known as mailhost:

    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

    use Net::SMTP;

    $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('mailhost');


    $smtp->datasend("To: postmaster\n");
    $smtp->datasend("A simple test message\n");



=over 4

=item new ( [ HOST ] [, OPTIONS ] )

This is the constructor for a new Net::SMTP object. C<HOST> is the
name of the remote host to which an SMTP connection is required.

C<HOST> is optional. If C<HOST> is not given then it may instead be
passed as the C<Host> option described below. If neither is given then
the C<SMTP_Hosts> specified in C<Net::Config> will be used.

C<OPTIONS> are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs.
Possible options are:

B<Hello> - SMTP requires that you identify yourself. This option
specifies a string to pass as your mail domain. If not given localhost.localdomain
will be used.

B<Host> - SMTP host to connect to. It may be a single scalar, as defined for
the C<PeerAddr> option in L<IO::Socket::INET>, or a reference to
an array with hosts to try in turn. The L</host> method will return the value
which was used to connect to the host.

B<SSL> - If the connection should be done from start with SSL, contrary to later
upgrade with C<starttls>.
You can use SSL arguments as documented in L<IO::Socket::SSL>, but it will
usually use the right arguments already.

B<LocalAddr> and B<LocalPort> - These parameters are passed directly
to IO::Socket to allow binding the socket to a local port.

B<Timeout> - Maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a response from the
SMTP server (default: 120)

B<ExactAddresses> - If true the all ADDRESS arguments must be as
defined by C<addr-spec> in RFC2822. If not given, or false, then
Net::SMTP will attempt to extract the address from the value passed.

B<Debug> - Enable debugging information


    $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('mailhost',
			   Hello => 'my.mail.domain',
			   Timeout => 30,
                           Debug   => 1,

    # the same
    $smtp = Net::SMTP->new(
			   Host => 'mailhost',
			   Hello => 'my.mail.domain',
			   Timeout => 30,
                           Debug   => 1,

    # the same with direct SSL
    $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('mailhost',
			   Hello => 'my.mail.domain',
			   Timeout => 30,
			   Debug   => 1,
			   SSL     => 1,

    # Connect to the default server from Net::config
    $smtp = Net::SMTP->new(
			   Hello => 'my.mail.domain',
			   Timeout => 30,


=head1 METHODS

Unless otherwise stated all methods return either a I<true> or I<false>
value, with I<true> meaning that the operation was a success. When a method
states that it returns a value, failure will be returned as I<undef> or an
empty list.

=over 4

=item banner ()

Returns the banner message which the server replied with when the
initial connection was made.

=item domain ()

Returns the domain that the remote SMTP server identified itself as during

=item hello ( DOMAIN )

Tell the remote server the mail domain which you are in using the EHLO
command (or HELO if EHLO fails).  Since this method is invoked
automatically when the Net::SMTP object is constructed the user should
normally not have to call it manually.

=item host ()

Returns the value used by the constructor, and passed to IO::Socket::INET,
to connect to the host.

=item etrn ( DOMAIN )

Request a queue run for the DOMAIN given.

=item starttls ( SSLARGS )

Upgrade existing plain connection to SSL.
You can use SSL arguments as documented in L<IO::Socket::SSL>, but it will
usually use the right arguments already.

=item auth ( USERNAME, PASSWORD )

Attempt SASL authentication.

=item mail ( ADDRESS [, OPTIONS] )

=item send ( ADDRESS )

=item send_or_mail ( ADDRESS )

=item send_and_mail ( ADDRESS )

Send the appropriate command to the server MAIL, SEND, SOML or SAML. C<ADDRESS>
is the address of the sender. This initiates the sending of a message. The
method C<recipient> should be called for each address that the message is to
be sent to.

The C<mail> method can some additional ESMTP OPTIONS which is passed
in hash like fashion, using key and value pairs.  Possible options are:

 Size        => <bytes>
 Return      => "FULL" | "HDRS"
 Bits        => "7" | "8" | "binary"
 Transaction => <ADDRESS>
 Envelope    => <ENVID>     # xtext-encodes its argument
 ENVID       => <ENVID>     # similar to Envelope, but expects argument encoded
 XVERP       => 1
 AUTH        => <submitter> # encoded address according to RFC 2554

The C<Return> and C<Envelope> parameters are used for DSN (Delivery
Status Notification).

The submitter address in C<AUTH> option is expected to be in a format as
required by RFC 2554, in an RFC2821-quoted form and xtext-encoded, or <> .

=item reset ()

Reset the status of the server. This may be called after a message has been 
initiated, but before any data has been sent, to cancel the sending of the

=item recipient ( ADDRESS [, ADDRESS, [...]] [, OPTIONS ] )

Notify the server that the current message should be sent to all of the
addresses given. Each address is sent as a separate command to the server.
Should the sending of any address result in a failure then the process is
aborted and a I<false> value is returned. It is up to the user to call
C<reset> if they so desire.

The C<recipient> method can also pass additional case-sensitive OPTIONS as an
anonymous hash using key and value pairs.  Possible options are:

  Notify  => ['NEVER'] or ['SUCCESS','FAILURE','DELAY']  (see below)
  ORcpt   => <ORCPT>
  SkipBad => 1        (to ignore bad addresses)

If C<SkipBad> is true the C<recipient> will not return an error when a bad
address is encountered and it will return an array of addresses that did

  $smtp->recipient($recipient1,$recipient2);  # Good
  $smtp->recipient($recipient1,$recipient2, { SkipBad => 1 });  # Good
  $smtp->recipient($recipient1,$recipient2, { Notify => ['FAILURE','DELAY'], SkipBad => 1 });  # Good
  @goodrecips=$smtp->recipient(@recipients, { Notify => ['FAILURE'], SkipBad => 1 });  # Good
  $smtp->recipient("$recipient,$recipient2"); # BAD

Notify is used to request Delivery Status Notifications (DSNs), but your
SMTP/ESMTP service may not respect this request depending upon its version and
your site's SMTP configuration.

Leaving out the Notify option usually defaults an SMTP service to its default
behavior equivalent to ['FAILURE'] notifications only, but again this may be
dependent upon your site's SMTP configuration.

The NEVER keyword must appear by itself if used within the Notify option and "requests
that a DSN not be returned to the sender under any conditions."

  {Notify => ['NEVER']}

  $smtp->recipient(@recipients, { Notify => ['NEVER'], SkipBad => 1 });  # Good

You may use any combination of these three values 'SUCCESS','FAILURE','DELAY' in
the anonymous array reference as defined by RFC3461 (see http://rfc.net/rfc3461.html
for more information.  Note: quotations in this topic from same.).

A Notify parameter of 'SUCCESS' or 'FAILURE' "requests that a DSN be issued on
successful delivery or delivery failure, respectively."

A Notify parameter of 'DELAY' "indicates the sender's willingness to receive
delayed DSNs.  Delayed DSNs may be issued if delivery of a message has been
delayed for an unusual amount of time (as determined by the Message Transfer
Agent (MTA) at which the message is delayed), but the final delivery status
(whether successful or failure) cannot be determined.  The absence of the DELAY
keyword in a NOTIFY parameter requests that a "delayed" DSN NOT be issued under
any conditions."

  {Notify => ['SUCCESS','FAILURE','DELAY']}

  $smtp->recipient(@recipients, { Notify => ['FAILURE','DELAY'], SkipBad => 1 });  # Good

ORcpt is also part of the SMTP DSN extension according to RFC3461.
It is used to pass along the original recipient that the mail was first
sent to.  The machine that generates a DSN will use this address to inform
the sender, because he can't know if recipients get rewritten by mail servers.
It is expected to be in a format as required by RFC3461, xtext-encoded.

=item to ( ADDRESS [, ADDRESS [...]] )

=item cc ( ADDRESS [, ADDRESS [...]] )

=item bcc ( ADDRESS [, ADDRESS [...]] )

Synonyms for C<recipient>.

=item data ( [ DATA ] )

Initiate the sending of the data from the current message. 

C<DATA> may be a reference to a list or a list. If specified the contents
of C<DATA> and a termination string C<".\r\n"> is sent to the server. And the
result will be true if the data was accepted.

If C<DATA> is not specified then the result will indicate that the server
wishes the data to be sent. The data must then be sent using the C<datasend>
and C<dataend> methods described in L<Net::Cmd>.

=item expand ( ADDRESS )

Request the server to expand the given address Returns an array
which contains the text read from the server.

=item verify ( ADDRESS )

Verify that C<ADDRESS> is a legitimate mailing address.

Most sites usually disable this feature in their SMTP service configuration.
Use "Debug => 1" option under new() to see if disabled.

=item help ( [ $subject ] )

Request help text from the server. Returns the text or undef upon failure

=item quit ()

Send the QUIT command to the remote SMTP server and close the socket connection.



Net::SMTP attempts to DWIM with addresses that are passed. For
example an application might extract The From: line from an email
and pass that to mail(). While this may work, it is not recommended.
The application should really use a module like L<Mail::Address>
to extract the mail address and pass that.

If C<ExactAddresses> is passed to the constructor, then addresses
should be a valid rfc2821-quoted address, although Net::SMTP will
accept accept the address surrounded by angle brackets.

 funny user@domain      WRONG
 "funny user"@domain    RIGHT, recommended
 <"funny user"@domain>  OK

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Graham Barr <gbarr@pobox.com>


Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Graham Barr. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


5tarL0rd By 5tarl0rd Being Anonymous