
Current Path : /usr/share/pgsql/
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Current File : //usr/share/pgsql/recovery.conf.sample

# -------------------------------
# PostgreSQL recovery config file
# -------------------------------
# Edit this file to provide the parameters that PostgreSQL needs to
# perform an archive recovery of a database, or to act as a replication
# standby.
# If "recovery.conf" is present in the PostgreSQL data directory, it is
# read on postmaster startup.  After successful recovery, it is renamed
# to "recovery.done" to ensure that we do not accidentally re-enter
# archive recovery or standby mode.
# This file consists of lines of the form:
#   name = value
# Comments are introduced with '#'.
# The complete list of option names and allowed values can be found
# in the PostgreSQL documentation.
# restore_command
# specifies the shell command that is executed to copy log files
# back from archival storage.  The command string may contain %f,
# which is replaced by the name of the desired log file, and %p,
# which is replaced by the absolute path to copy the log file to.
# This parameter is *required* for an archive recovery, but optional
# for streaming replication.
# It is important that the command return nonzero exit status on failure.
# The command *will* be asked for log files that are not present in the
# archive; it must return nonzero when so asked.
# NOTE that the basename of %p will be different from %f; do not
# expect them to be interchangeable.
#restore_command = ''		# e.g. 'cp /mnt/server/archivedir/%f %p'
# archive_cleanup_command
# specifies an optional shell command to execute at every restartpoint.
# This can be useful for cleaning up the archive of a standby server.
#archive_cleanup_command = ''
# recovery_end_command
# specifies an optional shell command to execute at completion of recovery.
# This can be useful for cleaning up after the restore_command.
#recovery_end_command = ''
# By default, recovery will rollforward to the end of the WAL log.
# If you want to stop rollforward at a specific point, you
# must set a recovery target.
# You may set a recovery target either by transactionId, by name,
# or by timestamp. Recovery may either include or exclude the
# transaction(s) with the recovery target value (ie, stop either
# just after or just before the given target, respectively).
#recovery_target_name = ''	# e.g. 'daily backup 2011-01-26'
#recovery_target_time = ''	# e.g. '2004-07-14 22:39:00 EST'
#recovery_target_xid = ''
#recovery_target_inclusive = true
# If you want to recover into a timeline other than the "main line" shown in
# pg_control, specify the timeline number here, or write 'latest' to get
# the latest branch for which there's a history file.
#recovery_target_timeline = 'latest'
# If pause_at_recovery_target is enabled, recovery will pause when
# the recovery target is reached. The pause state will continue until
# pg_xlog_replay_resume() is called. This setting has no effect if
# hot standby is not enabled, or if no recovery target is set.
#pause_at_recovery_target = true
# standby_mode
# When standby_mode is enabled, the PostgreSQL server will work as a
# standby. It will continuously wait for the additional XLOG records, using
# restore_command and/or primary_conninfo.
#standby_mode = off
# primary_conninfo
# If set, the PostgreSQL server will try to connect to the primary using this
# connection string and receive XLOG records continuously.
#primary_conninfo = ''		# e.g. 'host=localhost port=5432'
# By default, a standby server keeps restoring XLOG records from the
# primary indefinitely. If you want to stop the standby mode, finish recovery
# and open the system in read/write mode, specify path to a trigger file.
# The server will poll the trigger file path periodically and start as a
# primary server when it's found.
#trigger_file = ''
# Hot Standby related parameters are listed in postgresql.conf

5tarL0rd By 5tarl0rd Being Anonymous