Jamroom System Core change log
Version 7.0.2:
- New: Added new jrCore_db_search_multiple_items_by_key() datastore function
- New: Added new queue_skip_lock Advanced Config Key to skip queue locks on MySQL 8+
- New: Added 'save_media_file_uploads' event trigger when saving uploaded media files
- New: Compressed data format for Activity Log ? button debug data
- Change: Added caching to jrCore_db_get_item_by_key() datastore function
- Change: Updated emoji replacement functions to be faster on large systems
- Change: jrCore_db_multi_query() is now a wrapper around jrCore_db_query()
- Change: Removed log_describe_query Advanced Config Key
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.45
- Bug Fix: Light box navigation could prevent long-press saving photos on mobile device
- Bug Fix: Updated BBCode CSS to handle long wrapping lines in quote blocks
Version 7.0.1:
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.43
- Bug Fix: Values on datastore items created by event listeners could appear as "keys" in the Data Browser
- Bug Fix: Fix for possible missing site CSS when switching to a new skin
- Bug Fix: Graph values for some graphs may be shifted by one day after daylight savings time change
- Bug Fix: Time selector in Date/Time fields can be off by one hour for some timezones
- Bug Fix: "weight" field value over 1000 was being formatted 1,000 on modify forms then failing validation
- Bug Fix: Image orientation flag may be skipped on image uploads in some versions of Chrome
Version 7.0.0:
- New: Updated Activity Log with new Full Text search index for faster searches
- New: Updated Activity Log priority select for finer control over displayed log priorities
- New: Updated Activity Log to support monthly archiving
- New: "Language Strings" option in Reset Caches tool to reset just the language string cache
- New: "Max Query Run Time" Global Config option to set max seconds an SQL query can run for
- New: "View Change Log" link added when viewing module "Info" tab
- New: Cache Reset tool has been updated with the ability to reset individual templates
- New: Integrity Check tool has been updated with the ability to repair individual modules
- New: Integrity Check tool has been updated with the ability to repair individual module tables
- New: Added "Verify Database" option to Integrity Check to only validate module schema files
- New: Added "Verify Languages" option to Integrity Check to only validate module language files
- New: Added Activity Log message throttling for duplicate messages with 10 seconds (configurable)
- New: "Search Area" support added for jrCore_page_search to allow specific search areas
- Change: Jamroom minimum PHP version changed to PHP 7.2+
- Change: Jamroom recommended minimum MySQL version change to 5.7.0+
- Change: Updated internal date and time functions to be PHP 8.1+ compatible
- Change: Updated bundled Smarty template library to version 4.2.1
- Change: Updated bundled HTMLPurifier library to version 4.14.0
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE Editor to version 5.10.5
- Change: Updated date picker to make the variable available in the global space
- Change: webp file extension and image support added to known file types
- Change: download and stream views no longer support Parameter Injection
- Bug Fix: "Select Date" form field type could cause errors when interacting with Javascript
- Bug Fix: "Select and Text" form field default values not saving correctly
- Bug Fix: Pending Item approved email was not being sent due to invalid user_id
- Bug Fix: Pending items that had been previously rejected could show in site listings
Version 6.5.13:
- New: Abilty to Pause and Resume individual queues has been added to the Queue Viewer
- New: Ability to "delete all matching" from activity log to delete all matching a search
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.39
- Change: Email is no longer blocked if the email has an empty body content
- Change: Checktype for phone numbers requires 7 digits apart from spaces
- Change: Cache Reset tool now has individual reset options for Javascript and CSS
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in jrCore_weight_format where decimals on pounds may not show
- Bug Fix: jrCore_strip_url_params() fails to strip empty parameters
- Bug Fix: CSS Custom Editor contents may not appear after saving changes
Version 6.5.12:
- Change: New "Database Info" browser/tool linked to the database version in System Check
- Change: Updates and optimizations to better support PHP 8+
- Bug Fix: Search may break when searching for multuple forward slashes (/)
- Bug Fix: Possible duplicated CSS classes in some form fields
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