secret: [[secret]]
# customize the full path to external executables
# normally they are auto-detected by `which program` or auto-discovered in the configured path in
# System Settings -> General -> Additional $PATH variable
# but in general it's a good idea to have your programs in your $PATH environment variable (system wide)
#pimcore_executable_composer: php /opt/vendor/bin/composer.phar
#pimcore_executable_html2text: /usr/local/html2text/bin/html2text
#pimcore_executable_soffice: /opt/libreoffice/bin/soffice
#pimcore_executable_gs: /opt/ghostscript/bin/gs
#pimcore_executable_pdftotext: /opt/tools/pdftotext
#pimcore_executable_xvfb-run: /opt/tools/xvfb-run
#pimcore_executable_pngcrush: /opt/tools/pngcrush
#pimcore_executable_zopflipng: /opt/tools/zopflipng
#pimcore_executable_pngout: /opt/tools/pngout
#pimcore_executable_advpng: /opt/tools/advpng
#pimcore_executable_cjpeg: /opt/tools/cjpeg
#pimcore_executable_jpegoptim: /opt/tools/jpegoptim
#pimcore_executable_php: /usr/local/custom-php/bin/php
#pimcore_executable_nice: /opt/tools/nice
#pimcore_executable_nohup: /opt/tools/nohup
#pimcore_executable_ffmpeg: /opt/tools/ffmpeg
#pimcore_executable_exiftool: /opt/tools/exiftool
#pimcore_executable_wkhtmltoimage: /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltoimage
#pimcore_executable_timeout: /usr/bin/timeout
#pimcore_executable_facedetect: /usr/bin/facedetect
# graphviz
#pimcore_executable_dot: /usr/bin/dot
# default configuration for services in *this* file
# automatically injects dependencies in your services
autowire: true
# automatically registers your services as commands, event subscribers, etc.
autoconfigure: true
# this means you cannot fetch services directly from the container via $container->get()
# if you need to do this, you can override this setting on individual services
public: false
# auto-register all controllers as services
resource: '../src/Controller'
public: true
tags: [ 'controller.service_arguments' ]
# auto-register all commands as services
resource: '../src/Command/*'
tags: [ 'console.command' ]
# Example custom templating helper
# App\Templating\Helper\Example:
# # templating helpers need to be public as they
# # are fetched from the container on demand
# public: true
# tags:
# - { name: templating.helper, alias: fooBar }
# Example event listener for objects
# App\EventListener\TestListener:
# tags:
# - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: pimcore.dataobject.preUpdate, method: onObjectPreUpdate }
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