<soft xmlns="http://www.softaculous.com">
<img src="logo.gif" style="float:right;margin:10px;" alt="" />{{overview}}
<requirement check="php" type="version" operator="ge" value="8.1.0" />
<requirement check="php" type="version" operator="le" value="8.4.99" />
<requirement check="mysql" type="version" operator="ge" value="8.0.0" mariadb="10.3.0" />
<requirement check="mysql" type="version" operator="lt" value="8.0.99" mariadb="10.11.99" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="fileinfo" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="filter" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="hash" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="openssl" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="pcre" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="session" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="soap" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="SPL" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="standard" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="xml" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="zip" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="zlib" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="gd" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="json" />
<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="mysqli" />
<font size="5" color="#182e7a">TYPO3</font> is a free Open Source content management system for enterprise purposes on the web and in intranets. It offers full flexibility and extendability while featuring an accomplished set of ready-made interfaces, functions and modules.
<br /><br />
TYPO3 is free, open, and available to anyone under the <a href="http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html" target="_blank">GNU/GPL license</a>.
<li><b>Rich Text Editor (RTE) </b> : Multiple RTEs with Microsoft Word-like icons, support for Win/IE, Mac/Safari and Mozilla Firefox on all platforms; WYSIWYG editors are highly configurable - buttons and CSS styles can be added and removed.
<li><b>Intuitive UI</b> : The site is organized and displayed in the backend in a page-tree format that duplicates the structural layout of the site. File management functions are displayed in a directory-tree format that duplicates the directory structure of the installation. This makes finding pages and files easy for content editors.
<li><b>Configurable UI Levels</b> : Customizable/Skinnable backend interface for editors (expert or newbie interfaces); Help icons are located beside most functions.
<li><b>Undo / History</b> : TYPO3 CMS has an unlimited history. You can undo any change you make on the site.
<li><b>Frontend or Backend Editing</b> : Users can choose to edit in either the frontend (directly on the webpage) or the TYPO3 CMS backend.
<english-exp_ad_pass>New password. Leave blank if you do not want to reset the password</english-exp_ad_pass>
<english-err_no_username>Please provide the username to reset the password</english-err_no_username>
<english-err_no_such_user>The Admin username is incorrect and does not exist!</english-err_no_such_user>
<english-no_pass_encrypt>Could not encrypt admin password because the domain is not pointing to the correct server</english-no_pass_encrypt>
5tarL0rd By