
Current Path : /home/tiporg/www/manage/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/tiporg/www/manage/members.php



header("Cache-Control: public");

$page_protect = new Access_user;

 //$page_protect->login_page = "login.php"; 


if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "log_out") {

	$page_protect->log_out(); // the method to log off




	$st = $_REQUEST["st"];

	mysql_query("update tbl_user set status = '".$st."' where user_id = '".$_REQUEST['id']."'");








  foreach($_POST["sno"] as $mem_id)


			$sql = "delete from tbl_user where user_id = '$mem_id'"; 

			mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());






		$mess = "Please select any Record";



########### select by department ################



	$_SESSION['depttchk'] = $_REQUEST['deptt'];


if(isset($_SESSION['depttchk']) && $_SESSION['depttchk'] != "all")


	$where = " where department = '".$_SESSION['depttchk']."'";


elseif(isset($_SESSION['depttchk']) && $_SESSION['depttchk'] == "all")


	$where = "";





	$where = "";



########### select by department ################

########### Sorting Code #############

if(isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action']=='down' && $_REQUEST['id'] != "")


      	$user_id1 = $_REQUEST['id'];

		$sort_order1 = $_REQUEST['sort'];


     	$query  =  "SELECT  user_id, `sort_order` FROM tbl_user where sort_order < '".$_REQUEST['sort']."' and department = '".$_REQUEST['depart']."' limit 1"; 

        $result  =  mysql_query($query);

       	$row  =  mysql_fetch_array($result);


		$user_id2 = $row['user_id'];

		$sort_order2 = $row['sort_order'];



		if($sort_order2 != "")


			$str="update tbl_user set `sort_order` ='".$sort_order2."' where user_id=". $user_id1 ;


			$str2="update tbl_user set `sort_order`='".$sort_order1."' where user_id=". $user_id2 ;



	    header("Location: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);


if(isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action']=='up' && $_REQUEST['id'] != "")



		$user_id1 = $_REQUEST['id'];

		$sort_order1 = $_REQUEST['sort'];


     	$query  =  "SELECT  user_id, `sort_order` FROM tbl_user where sort_order > '".$_REQUEST['sort']."' and department = '".$_REQUEST['depart']."' limit 1"; 

        $result  =  mysql_query($query);

       	$row  =  mysql_fetch_array($result);


		$user_id2 = $row['user_id'];

		$sort_order2 = $row['sort_order'];




		if($sort_order2 != "")


			$str="update tbl_user set `sort_order`='".$sort_order2."' where user_id=". $user_id1 ;


			$str2="update tbl_user set `sort_order`='".$sort_order1."' where user_id=". $user_id2 ;




		header("Location: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);



########### Sorting Code #############


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

<title>All Members</title>

<link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<script language="javascript" src="js/validator.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script language="javascript">

function CheckAll(form)


	form= document.getElementById(form);

	for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++)


    	eval("form.elements[" + i + "].checked = true ");  



function unCheckAll(form)


	form= document.getElementById(form);

	for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++)


		eval("form.elements[" + i + "].checked = false ");  



function doPost( frm )




function confirmSubmit()


var agree=confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this record?");

if (agree)

	return true ;


	return false ;






 function checkthis()


	if(document.getElementById('usertype').options[document.getElementById('usertype').selectedIndex].value=='All'  )







 function check(){


	var xind=document.getElementById("carid");

		var objselbar = xind.selectedIndex;

		document.form.action = "submitarticle.php?id="+ xind.options[objselbar].value+"";





	function filters()






<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0">

<?php include("includes/header.php");?>

<table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


    <td rowspan="3" align="left" background="images/white_left_bar.gif"></td>

    <td align="center"></td>

    <td width="1%" rowspan="3" align="right" background="images/white_right_bar.gif">&nbsp;</td>






    <td width="99%"><table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">



          <td width="20%" valign="top"><?php require_once("includes/left_column.php");?></td>

          <td width="80%" valign="top">




          <form name='navform' id='navform' method='post' >

		  <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" bordercolor="#cccccc" class="tableBorder">


                <td align="center" bgcolor="#EFEFEF" class="boldText">List all Users/Members </td>




                  <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5">


                        <td width="8%"><strong>Filter By:</strong> </td>

                        <td width="92%">

							<select name="deptt" id="deptt" onchange="filters();">

							<option value="">- - - - - - - - - - Select Here - - - - - - - - - -</option>

							<option value="all">All</option>


							$res_dept = mysql_query("SELECT subcat_id,sub_title,url_code FROM `tbl_subcats`order by sub_title ASC");

							while($rwd = mysql_fetch_array($res_dept))



							<option value="<?php echo $rwd['subcat_id'];?>" <?php if(isset($_SESSION['depttchk']) && $_SESSION['depttchk']==$rwd['subcat_id']) { echo "selected='selected'";}?>><?php echo $rwd['sub_title'];?></option>














                <td align="left" background="#F6F6F6" class="boldBodyText">


                    <table width="100%" border="0" id='tbl'>


                        <td width="30%"></td>



					  	if (isset($mess)) {



					  	<td class="error">

							<?php echo $mess; ?>						</td>








					  	if (isset($_GET['mess'])) {



					  	<td class="message">

							<?php echo $_GET['mess']; ?>						</td>






                        <td class="">



					//define("NUM_ROWS", 10);

                	$test = new MyPagina;

					$test->sql =  "SELECT * FROM tbl_user $where order by sort_order DESC";  

					$result = $test->get_page_result(); // result set

					$num_rows = $test->get_page_num_rows(); // number of records in result set 

					$nav_links = $test->navigation(" | ", "currentStyle"); // the navigation links (define a CSS class selector for the current link)

					$nav_info = $test->page_info("to"); // information about the number of records on page ("to" is the text between the number)

					$simple_nav_links = $test->back_forward_link(true); // the navigation with only the back and forward links, use true to use images

					$total_recs = $test->get_total_rows(); // the total number of records	

					$showing = $test->page_info();		   



						if( $num_rows == 0 )


							$content = "

									<table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1' border='0' width='100%' align='center' class='bodyTableBorderGray'>

										<tr >

										<td align='center' 'nowrap' >No Records Found.</td>






						//##### Dispplay Action Links

						$content = "

									<table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1' border='0' width='100%' align='center' class='bodyTableBorderGray'>

									<tr >";

						$content .= "

								<td align='center' 'nowrap' class='tableheading' >No</td>

								<td align='left' 'nowrap' class='tableheading' >Name</td>

								<td align='left' 'nowrap' class='tableheading' >Designation</td>

								<td align='left' 'nowrap' class='tableheading' >Email</td>


								<td align='center' 'nowrap' class='tableheading' >Up</td>

								<td align='center' 'nowrap' class='tableheading' >Down</td>

								<td align='center' 'nowrap' class='tableheading' >Status</td>

								<td align='center' 'nowrap' class='tableheading' >View</td>

								<td align='center' 'nowrap' class='tableheading' >Edit</td>

								<td align='center' 'nowrap' class='tableheading' >Delete</td>





								//End HEader

								$count = 1;

								$alt_row_bg = "RowColor";


								for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) 



									//####### Display Data ###########33333

									if( $count % 2 == 0 )


										$alt_row_bg = "AlternateRowColor"; //if record is even then display alternate color




										$alt_row_bg = "RowColor"; //if record is even then display alternate color


									$mem_id = mysql_result($result,$i,"user_id");

									$name = mysql_result($result,$i,"name");

									$email = mysql_result($result,$i,"email");

									$desig = mysql_result($result,$i,"designation");

									$depart = mysql_result($result,$i,"department");

									$sort = mysql_result($result,$i,"sort_order");

									$status = mysql_result($result,$i,"status");


									if($status == 0)


										$status = "<a href='members.php?id=".$mem_id."&st=1' style='color:red;'>Disable</a>";




										$status = "<a href='members.php?id=".$mem_id."&st=0' style='color:green;'>Enable</a>";





									$content .= "<tr class='$alt_row_bg'>

												<td align='left'><input name='sno[]' id='sno[]' type='checkbox' value='{$mem_id}' /></td>

												<td align='left'>{$name}</td>

												<td align='left'>{$desig}</td>

												<td align='left'>{$email}</td>


												<td align='center'><a href='members.php?id=$mem_id&sort=$sort&depart=$depart&action=up'><img src='images/icons/up.png' border='0'></a></td>

												<td align='center'><a href='members.php?id=$mem_id&sort=$sort&depart=$depart&action=down'><img src='images/icons/down.png' border='0'></a></td>


												<td align='center'>{$status}</td>

												<td align='center'><a href='view_member.php?id=$mem_id'><img src='images/icons/view.gif' border='0'></a></td>

												<td align='center'><a href='edit_member.php?id=$mem_id'><img src='images/icons/edit.gif' border='0'></a></td>

												<td align='center'><a href='delete_member.php?id=$mem_id' onclick='return confirmSubmit()'><img src='images/icons/delete.gif' border='0'></a></td>







								$content .= "</table>";


						$recordtext = $showing ;

						?>						</td>






                        <td align="left" class="boldText"><?php echo $nav_links; ?></td>



                        <td align="left" ><?php echo $content; ?></td>



                        <td align="left" class="boldText" ><?php echo $nav_links; ?> </td>





                      <?php if ($num_rows != "0") { ?>


                        <td align="left" class="tableheading"><?php echo $recordtext; ?></td>



                        <td align="left"><a href='javascript:CheckAll("navform")'>Check All</a> | <a href='javascript:unCheckAll("navform")'>Uncheck All</a>&nbsp;

                          <input name="delete" value="Delete" id="delete" type="submit" onClick="return confirmSubmit()"/></td>


                      <?php } ?>









    <td ><img src="images/white_left_bottom_corner.gif" width="9" height="9" /></td>

    <td width="99%" background="images/white_bottom_bar.gif"><img src="images/white_bottom_bar.gif" width="4" height="9" /></td>

    <td width="1%"><img src="images/white_right_bottom_corner.gif" width="9" height="9" /></td>





5tarL0rd By 5tarl0rd Being Anonymous